My Favorite Black Influencers To Talk About in Class

Whether it is black history month or not…

I am always reflecting and admiring some of the greatest African Americans of all time in history. This list is always growing as more and more influential people keep playing a role in black history. However, the ones that have always left me in awe have truly made an impact on history worldwide and I enjoy sharing with my students. These remarkable dreamers all have a special gift and have really shifted history-making opportunities possible for minorities.

The Obamas: Can we talk about a POWER COUPLE! These two put together are definitely dynamite and role models that have played a part in history.

First, Michelle Obama was an icon and role model for many women especially women of color. Being the first lady, she accomplished many things that were a major success- such as discussing important topics like healthy eating and physical activity for children, advocating for education and its needs, as well as bringing awareness to poverty. Barack Obama supported the first lady with all of the initiatives she put into play which many aligned with education and children. Barack Obama was the first African American to become President- something many individuals never thought to see due to the layout of the Constitution and prior history/events. However, Obama in office brought hope to many individuals of color and many were happy to know that changes in history were finally happening. Many students love seeing representation, so it is important for my students to know that there have been people of color in office. I always love sharing my experience with my students when I lived in DC. Here is a photo of me in the White House. This photo always gets them excited about history and learning about the Obamas. Connecting learning to real-life experiences is always a plus!

To get my students engaged, I always share various videos, photos, and incorporate a research project! Research projects are a great way to get your students and families involved. You can implement research projects for PBL as well. Research truly allows students to work independently or build teamwork and various group skills.

Martin Luther King Jr.: Not only in black history but just in history in general, I think it is safe to say MLK Jr. was by far one of the most influential people. There is no doubt about that when we review how hard this man fought for equality. He viewed EVERYONE as human beings regardless of their skin color. He fought for everyone to be respected and viewed as equals. MLK Jr. truly believed that all skin colors could be united one day and should only be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.


Martin Luther King Jr. is an individual I bring up in my classroom a few times during the year. It is so important for our students to understand how far we have come in history and continue the discussions of things we can do to make the world a better place.

Kobe Bryant: Otherwise known as “Black Mamba”. Kobe is always a favorite for my students. My students are very familiar with Kobe and admire him since they were alive while Kobe was around. He is a more modern influencer of our times and one that many cherish. Many students are fans of basketball and/or the Lakers so this is typically an AMAZING influential person to share with my students. I recall hearing the devastating news of Kobe Bryant, his daughter, and 7 other lives that were lost that day- January 26, 2020. From that moment on, I knew I had to have a special day to just talk about Kobe Bryant since he made a major impact in sports and in many of our lives.

Now, I make it a point to have a morning meeting during January where we can hold powerful conversations. Have a conversation, regardless of age, where we reflect on the amazing accomplishments and why he is so important not only in black history but history worldwide! During our morning meeting dedicated to the “Black Mamba”, I incorporate reading passages, an art activity, writing portion, and an opportunity for students to create posters or news reports that focus on Kobe. I love doing this because my students get so engaged and it is a fantastic way to learn and appreciate everything he has done.

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