
Let us fight the stigma behind Substitute Teachers

Substitute Teachers-

there has always been this stigma with them. There is definitely this stereotype about having a substitute teacher for the day. I mean lets keep it real. I am almost certain we have heard the comments like

“ Yes, we have a sub. Lets see what we can get away with today.”

“ Oh there is a sub….he/she isn’t the boss of us”

“ A substitute teacher is not a real teacher.”

“ We can take advantage of the sub”

“ Lets tell the sub our class does this when we really don’t”

“ The sub can’t tell us what to do…they are JUST a sub.”

The list can literally go on and on.

I even remember when I was younger saying some of these exact comments (Yikes…I promise I am super nice now)!  But as we all know, when each school year comes around, the demand for subs seems to increase significantly which is fantastic for subs that are trying to get that extra money, honey!

I mean if teachers didn’t take their vacays, sick days, or just those I don’t feel like coming to work days, then us subs would be struggling more than ever…right?

But guess what?!?!?!?

I am tired of feeling like an extra body in the room. You know just being known as the random person for the day that is in charge of taking attendance and just distributing busy work. I am over it and ready to really showcase to the world what substitute teachers are REALLY about.

It is time to kick those negative comments and stereotypes out the door. Say farewell to not feeling welcomed by students and even staff members. Its time subs show their worth more than ever! We do not have to struggle. We do not have to let the stigma continue to go on.

So substitute teachers…

what do we do? Well everyone’s journey is different but let me list what worked with and what I do to fight the stigma:

  • I share my education background, skills, and passion for teaching
  • When subbing, I offer help to teachers next door (this allows them to see what you can do and get to know you as a person)
  • I leave a detailed letter for the teacher of how the day went
  • I ensure the room is sparkly clean before I leave
  • I act VERY professional during my subbing day
  • I am firm with the students and set my expectations right away (this is how to gain respect, trust me)

When I started doing this and more, I realized other educators and students started to respect me more and value the work I did. It definitely takes a lot of work but I started feeling more confident and appreciated. Now, there will always be a negative person out there, but honestly, this is a great starting point to gaining the respect you deserve and ending the stigma.

I worked my butt off

to figure out all of the tips and tricks and BOOM! I am no longer seen as just “the sub. I get the respect I deserve at every school I work at and the students actually enjoy seeing me. The best part is that teachers and principals always ask for me over and over again!

Lets continue to end the stigma together

and while doing it becoming the “go-to” substitute teacher. Just click here so you can get on the waitlist to join the Become The Go-To Sub Academy and snatch your FREE Substitute Survival Guide.

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